DIY Stocking Stuffers
Free Print & Cut File for the Silhouette Cameo
Funny Mrs. Claus’ Bakery Cookie Crumbs!
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I love to bake during the Holidays and give home baked treats to my friends and family. Wait for it!!! Here comes the bad news….it seems every year half the people on my list are on a DIET and aren’t able to eat my sweet gifts! Argh! While I’m all for counting calories and keeping that girlish figure ( for those that have that willpower and determination..which excludes me) …it’s the HOLIDAYS! Can’t you cheat just a little? No? Okay, problem solved. I have found a way to still share my sweet treats and I added a tad bit of humor along the way. As an added bonus I have found a good use for all the cookie crumbs that were just disposed of in past years.
I had an excess stock of 3″W x 4″H zipper top treat baggies so I created the print and cut to fit that size. More bang for my buck that way too. I confess I got a little carried away making these and may have to make new “dieting” friends this year!
If you are just a beginner with your new Silhouette machine or a seasoned professional you will love how fast and easy these are to whip out on your machine!
Mrs. Claus’ Bakery Cookie Crumbs
Instructions: Infuse your coffee with a light dusting of crumbs for a guilt-free holiday treat! Less than “3” calories per pinch! Diet Approved!!! 25 Servings per pkg.
I apologize ahead of time for the image below. I took the photo with my cell phone and the lighting is horrible today because it is dark and raining here. I wanted to post a picture of what the cookie crumbs look like. My grandson loves this and offered to eat the crumbs for me. He’s such a trooper!
P.S. I was in such a hurry to print and cut these I forgot to double check my measurements for the insert. Remember that old saying “measure twice…cut once”? Long story short, I needed to trim a little off the sides to get the insert to fit. No worries though, I fixed it in the Studio file so you won’t have to do any “trimming”.
I didn’t want ink from the printer to get on to the cookie crumbs so I decided it was best to place the insert so that the wording is facing the back of the packet.
These are the perfect gift to make for coworkers, neighbors, club members, etc. when you want to give a little something but are on a tight budget.
Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I like the idea of using my “overstock” of these to hand out to my customers at the Christmas Craft Show. I can add my website info on the back flap of the topper and use it as free advertising. What do you think?
I saved this print and cut file in V2 and V3 and it is available to download for free below:
Mrs. Claus Bakery Studio3 File
This design was created with commercially licensed artwork by Aleksandr Vecor , Alena Artemova, & Marish
Fonts used in this design are:
Mrs. Claus’ – Asmila Font
Bakery – Barbaro
Cookie Crumbs – Milk & Cookies Font
Instructions – Maggie Mae
Merry Christmas Word Art – Peace_Shop & also in Christmas Bundle Here: Christmas Wonderland Bundle
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diy stocking stuffers, free print and cut studio files, funny stocking stuffers, Mrs. Claus' print and cut, print and cut bag toppers, print and cut Christmas
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