Umbrella My Trusty Friend
Oh umbrella, my trusty friend
With you by my side, I’m safe till the end
You shield me from rain, and protect my head
But sometimes you cause more trouble instead
On windy days, you turn inside out
And leave me standing, looking like a lout
Or worse yet, you get caught in a door
And I’m left to struggle, like never before
But still I keep you, by my side
For when the rain comes, you’re my only guide
And though you may cause me a little stress
Without you, I’d be one wet, soggy mess
So umbrella, my dear companion
I’ll keep you close, in every situation
And together we’ll weather the storm
Until the sun comes out, and our troubles are gone.
A2 Card Topper April Showers Shabby Chique Umbrella | Commercial Use
Set of 4 on 8.5″ x 11″ PDF – 300 DPI A2 toppers. Each topper measures 3.2″ W x 4.5″ H
Google Drive Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mAYiThaV2hrBz0Q184e3gb94NjINABzr/view?usp=sharing
Dropbox Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cm05ywea9y5zaci/A2%20April%20Showers%20Umbrella%20Set.pdf?dl=0
Copyright Kristi Faricelli
You can create and print cards whenever you want, without having to leave your home. This can save you time and effort, especially if you have a busy schedule.
(This set can be used for Commercial Use) if you sell cards created with my artwork please include a link back to me here if you are selling your cards online. No digital sales allowed. Terms of Use: This April Showers Shabby Chique Umbrella A2 Card Topper design can be used for personal use as well as commercial use. If you plan to use this design for commercial use ( to create and sell cards or other handmade items made with this file ) please consider making a donation here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/klfaricellC
Download your PDF to your computer. Default folder is usually the “downloads” folder.
Gather materials: You’ll need a printer, Canon Matte Photo Paper 8.5″ x 11″, scissors or a paper trimmer, and any embellishments you want to add, such as stickers or ribbons.
Print the cards: Load the cardstock paper into your printer and print the design. Make sure to adjust the printer settings to the correct paper size and orientation.
Cut out the card toppers. Once the card toppers are printed, use scissors or a paper trimmer to cut along the images. Be careful not to cut off any important parts of the design. These toppers are designed to fit on top of blank A2 cards that you can purchase at Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, Joann’s, Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. You’ll find you can buy them in bulk at discount pricing. I prefer to use double sided tape to adhere my toppers to the top of the blank cards but you can also use glue if that is your preferred adhesive.
Add embellishments: If desired, you can add stickers, ribbons, or other decorations to the cards to make them more personalized.
Tags: A2 Card Topper, April Showers, commercial use, Umbrella
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