Garden Bear Printable Freezer Labels
This set of 6 Garden Bear Freezer labels are available in a free PDF download. They measure approximately 3.75″ W x 3″ H when printed. The label was created with licensed clipart by Trina Walker Clark at DigiScrapKits.com
Download Here: 6pkGardenBearFreezerLabelsTWC
I wish I looked this adorable while out tending to my garden. I want those pink polka dot gardening gloves! I am addicted to Trina Clark’s designs and am always looking for a new way to add them to my printables. Print these labels out in advance to have on hand for when you need them. A nifty trick I came up with was to buy a box of freezer bags and then pre-label all the bags, then roll them all back up and put them back in the box. It gets a little hectic in my kitchen at times when I’m cooking and this just saves me the hassle of trying to find my labels or running to the printer to print them out when I have other things that need my attention at that moment.
I came across a pin on Pinterest that showed how to freeze soup in individual serving sizes. I rushed over to amazon and ordered some silicone muffin pans so I could pour my leftover soup in them and freeze them. Once frozen, just pop them out and put in a freezer bag. All that’s left is to add my label so I can remember when I put them in the freezer and I’m all set to go.