Tutorial On How To Add Custom Text To PDF File Using Inkscape

Welcome to my tutorial on how to open a pdf file and customize it for printing.

First off I am using a freeware program named Inkscape. It is an open source program free to download at http://www.inkscape.org/en/
Please follow their instructions on how to download and install their software.

Once you have the software installed on your computer, open the program and please follow along the tutorial to learn how to add your own text to your pdf file. I will be using a pdf of blank journal cards to illustrate the many ways that you can add your own custom information. The journal cards that I am using were created with licensed artwork by: BoomersGirl Designs & Papers by DigitalVintageDreams Etsy Shop.

Update: When you are done editing your pdf file go to the top left of your screen and select file-save as-pdf. IMPORTANT!! Rename your file with a new name so you don't overwrite your old one and save the file to the folder you wish to save it in. To print out your tags just open your new pdf file and select "PRINT".

Tutorial On How To Add Custom Text To An Existing PDF File

Moldy Buns Tutorial Faux Foods

Step One: Prepare to get messy!

There's nothing quite as creepy as reaching for some bread only to discover it is covered in mold! Well, I was trying to come up with something creepy to serve at Halloween and I do believe I have a winner! Now imagine being served a sandwich on an old moldy bun. Who will be the first one at your party to dig in and take a bite?

I decided to use items from my kitchen I already had on hand to create the fake mold. Since it is going to be on bread I chose to use popcorn cheese as shown in the photo below. I sprinkled some out on a paper plate, since we are going to be using food coloring it's wise to use a disposable plate.

Next squeeze out one drop of blue food coloring and one drop of the green. A little goes a long way! Take a toothpick and mix up the cheese with the food coloring until you get the color you desire your mold to be. I've seen some very psychadelic mold colors over the years so be creative. Let set and move on to the next step.

I chose to use Philadelphia Cream Cheese to spread on top of the buns in blotches where I wanted my mold placed. You could also use spreadable margarine in a pinch. Spread very thinly with a toothpick in a few areas. You want enough so that when you sprinkle on the mold mixture you made above, it will stick. Stop! If you don't want blue/green fingers make sure to grab a spoon to sprinkle the mixture over the margarine. I got ahead of myself and now have spotted fingers. Place your bun on a paper towel, waxed paper, etc. to catch the mold dust that doesn't adhere and just keep reusing it until your bun is covered in fake mold.

Mold First Aid:

If you get too much food coloring in your mold mix have no fear. Just sprinkle the popcorn cheese over the moldy spots on the bun and tap off the excess. It works like a charm and kinda gives it that fuzzy look.

If your feeling Cheeky you can always test your new moldy bun out by placing it in the fridge for when the kiddies get home from school and wait to see which one screeches first! Great new alarm for your fridge.

Moldy Buns Tutorial

These moldy buns have more uses than just for Halloween party food. My brothers would have loved having these served at their birthday parties just so they could show off to the girls. My husband thought about taking a sandwich to work so he could eat it in front of unsuspecting observers.

Make a platter of them up and serve them at the next carry-in buffet you were guilted into volunteering for. The possibilities are endless.